Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class |
Tests |
Errors |
Failures |
Skipped |
Success Rate |
Time |
8 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.078 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.156 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.016 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.422 |
Class |
Tests |
Errors |
Failures |
Skipped |
Success Rate |
Time |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.015 |
Class |
Tests |
Errors |
Failures |
Skipped |
Success Rate |
Time |
29 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.391 |
testCompositeDateValidationPass |
0.047 |
testCompositeDateValidationFail |
0 |
testValidationMethodPassWithOneDigitMonth |
0 |
testValidationMethodPassWithTwoDigitMonth |
0.015 |
testValidationMethodFailWithOutOfBoundsMonth |
0 |
testValidationMethodPassWithThreeCharacterMonth |
0 |
testValidationMethodPassWithThreeDigitDay |
0 |
testValidationMethodFailWithInvalidFormat |
0 |
testDateCompareTwoFieldsPass |
0.047 |
testDateCompareTwoFieldsFail |
0.016 |
testDateCompareOneFieldPass |
0.031 |
testDateCompareOneFieldFail |
0.016 |
testDateCompareWithCompositePass |
0 |
testDateCompareWithCompositeFail |
0 |
testDateCompareWithCompositeFailOnInvalidDatePart |
0 |
testDateCompareWithCurrentDatePass |
0.015 |
testDateCompareWithCurrentDateFail |
0 |
testDateCompareForComparisonTypesPass |
0.016 |
testValidateMatchingFieldPass |
0.016 |
testValidateMatchingFieldFail |
0 |
testValidateMatchingFieldPassWithNull |
0 |
testValidateMatchingFieldFailWithRightNull |
0 |
testValidateMatchingFieldFailWithLeftNull |
0 |
testRequiredStringPass |
0.313 |
testRequiredStringFailOnEmptyString |
0.016 |
testRequiredStringFailOnNullString |
0 |
testRequiredObjectPass |
0 |
testRequiredObjectFail |
0 |
testSimpleValidatorPass |
0.016 |
testSimpleValidatorFail |
0.047 |
testFieldArgValidatorPass |
0.016 |
testFieldArgValidatorFail |
0 |
testObjectArgValidatorPass |
0.015 |
testObjectArgValidatorFail |
0 |
testObjectFieldArgValidatorPass |
0.047 |
testObjectFieldArgValidatorFail |
0 |
testObjectFieldValueArgValidatorPass |
0.016 |
testObjectFieldValueArgValidatorFail |
0 |
testValidatorWithParameterArgPass |
0.015 |
testValidatorWithParameterArgFail |
0 |
testValidatorWithValueArgPass |
0.016 |
testValidatorWithValueArgFail |
0.016 |
testNonStandardMethodPass |
0 |
testNonStandardMethodFail |
0.015 |
testValidateObjectPass |
0 |
testValidateObjectFail |
0 |
testStepSupportWithNoStepSpecified |
0.016 |
testStepSupportWithStepOnSeperateAnnotationSpecified |
0 |
testStepSupportWithStepOnSameAnnotationSpecified |
0.015 |
testStepSupportWithNoAllowedStepsSupplied |
0 |
testErrorCodesPass |
0.032 |
testErrorCodesFail |
0.031 |
testPrivateMethodException |
0.016 |
testMissingMethodException |
0.015 |
testInvalidArgumentException |
0 |
testFieldValidatorHandlesReportedException |
0.016 |
testObjectValidatorHandlesReportedException |
0 |
testConstructorForIllegalArgumentException |
0.015 |